
Have I mentioned lately how much I love the meda, this tidbit on the left caught my eye. Anything for a few extra hits/rating points.
Today I learned one of my friends is getting shipped off to Iraq for six months. Really bites. Mid-semester and its hey howdy, no school for you. I’ve met people that were over there, but I’ve never had anyone I know been called up. Wish ‘im a safe journey.

Check this out. Oooh, and this


8 October 2006

PhilSorry to disappoint but Phil Collins is nowhere to be found here… Aside from the right hand side of this entry.

Welcome to 2over10, collaborative art, design, and culture blog birthed from the loins of New Jersey. As avid Jerseyites, we are kind of out there. If you fear the morbid, macabre, perverse, and down right funktastic, turn away while you still can. QUICKLY!

Now that we have gotten rid of the “normies”, I welcome the remainder to 2over10.